Me, myself and some others

A few days ago, a fellow blogger pointed out that I should not be so hard on myself. The truth is, I am hard on myself. Why? Because all my life others have been hard on me. And by others, I mostly mean my parents. They always wanted me to get good grades and If I ever got a B it was frowned upon. They wanted me to behave nicely, be obedient and not embarrass them. Looking back in my life I realize that I was trying to fit into a box I didn’t belong to. Keep in mind that they were rather flexible with my two younger siblings.

As much as I hate to admit it, I am sometimes hard on others, too. You see, nurture sems to be over nature…. That is how I was raised. I have been working on improving myself but still Ι have a long way to go. I try not to expect too much from others, I try not to be judgmental, and I really try not rub people’s mistakes in their face.  However, as much as I try to escape this vicious circle, it is not easy. Plus, people can be sooooo wrong sometimes when I am actually right. 🙂

But one thing is for sure…Unless we stop being hard on ourselves, we can’t stop being hard on others.

Let it not go

Throughout the years I have accumulated lots of small possessions. Clothes, shoes, faux jewelry- and some expensive ones that were gifts from friends and family- birthday cards, napkins from favorite restaurants from when I was a student. I know it sounds crazy but I have the tendency to get attached not only with people but with possessions as well. I know it is wrong and from time to time I make a good clearance and I either donate stuff or throw them away. Every time I do that, I feel relieved in a way but I also feel nostalgic. You see, the old clothes remind me of the fact that I used to have no fashion sense until I was in my mid 20’s and that I finally got a job which allowed me to spend more money in order to improve my dressing style and no longer ashamed my clothes. They also remind me of the fact that I used to struggle with my weight-I had lots of ups and downs in the past 15 years mostly because I love food, especially desserts. Food used to be my coping mechanism because food does not as ask pointless questions…Food understands…

The memorabilia I keep such as magnets, key chains and postcards remind me of my travels. You see it was a huge accomplishment for me to be able to travel. I had never left my home town until it was time to leave for college. I hated flying and my travelling restricted to going back and forth from my town to the city where I was studying. Being able to get over my fear of travelling was kind of a big deal for me. So, every souvenir reminds me of all the good times I had once a decided to put my fears aside.

The birthday cards remind me of the fact that I have grown older and wiser. And also, that I used to have more fun on my birthday. I don’t bother to celebrate anymore…It is just another day…

As much as I complain that I never have enough space, I just can’t get rid of all the stuff I don’t use.

I know I shouldn’t hang on to the past so hard but I can’t completely let go. No one should completely let go of their past. We should all feel proud of our accomplishments and learn from our mistakes…Otherwise we can’t move forward…

If you are happy and you know it, don’t clap your hands.

All my life, my parents taught me to keep my secrets to myself. Actually, they demanded it. My dad always said that you can’t trust anyone else but your family and that friends are potential foes that might use your own secrets against you.  Both my mum and him became furious if they ever heard me talking to my friends about our family matters. Neither my mum nor my dad have any close friends.

My long-time partner didn’t want me to talk about our relationship to my friends. Later, I realized that he was manipulating me because he didn’t want people to see who he really was…I guess that is why my mum doesn’t have close friends- my dad is not an easy person to be around. My mum isn’t either but she is not as difficult as my dad.

I turned out to be exactly the opposite of what my family wanted. I overshare…Or at least I used to overshare…You see, I am good at keeping someone else’s secret but I can’t keep mine! I was the kind of person who would share every little detail about her life with her close friends…The sad moments, the happy moments, 99.9% of my inner thoughts and feelings.

A few months ago, I met two wise people, who gave me advice. They said that a long series of unfortunate events I had experienced, could be the result of someone’s negative energy.  People may not mean to harm us but unfortunately, sometimes they can envy us because our life seems ideal to them-even if it is actually not. I didn’t take their words seriously but a few weeks later , it hit me.. Some of my friends’ comments, perhaps were made out of jealousy…For example, one of my friends was trying to have a baby but she was facing difficulties. My idiot ex said that he wanted to get me pregnant-something he didn’t really mean- and she said that if I got pregnant before she did, she would be pissed. Guess what, I am no longer in a relationship and I haven’t had a baby, yet. She is a mother now and her bundle of joy is adorable. However, her words now ring into my ears and make me feel sad.

I can’t believe it but I have been following my father’s advice lately. Don’t get me wrong…I still love my friends. We went through thin and thick together and I would do anything to help them but I try to reveal less about my thoughts and feelings. Not only because I am afraid of negative energy but also because others might be facing problems and struggle with hardships they don’t want to talk about. If they hear me complain or gloat about my life, they could feel worse…There is no need to burden them with my problems or rub my happiness to their face. So, I try to keep things to myself…At least I try to just share and not overshare.

What do women NOT want?

There has been an ongoing debate around the topic “ What do women want?”

Here is a list of what women DON’T want.

They don’t want to be treated unequally.

They don’t need to be judged for choosing to have a career instead of a family- and newsflash, women sometimes work long hours and aim at advancing professionally because they want financial stability a.k.a they need the money. Sometimes because their spouse is in debt.

Also, women do not want to be told that is more difficult to get pregnant once they pass forty. They know. Despite the fact that it is not always the rule, they know.

They don’t need to be told they should go more often to meet a guy in order to get married. They know, they have already tried it.

They don’t want to be hurt .

They don’t want to be judged for their actions.

They don’t want to be pointed out they are over/underweight.

They don’t want to be under constant pressure because they have to please others.

They don’t want to be abused.

They don’t want to be assaulted.

Isn’t this love that I ‘m feeling?

I didn’t use to be a frequent church goer and I didn’t use to pray enough but, in every hardship, I always turned to God. I prayed on my knees when our dog became ill. Unfortunately, we had to put him down. I am ashamed to say it but I was kind of mad at God for a long time. Our beloved pet was a member of my family and I was depressed for over a year after he passed away.

Two years later, my dad had to undergo a successful but difficult surgery. I then vowed that I would thank God every day for being by our side. I try to pray twice a day, even if it is just to say “Thank you, Lord”. I don’t always make it but I sure try to.

With the current situation around the world, I had come to believe that the world was ending. I started praying more, read parts of Apocalypse (I did not have the courage or the patience to read all of it) and hoped God would be merciful. I was convinced that we were being punished for our sins- I still am. I have promised that I would become a better Christian but I still have a long way to go…

My faith was once again tested when my ex-partner told me he started seeing someone. You see, right before he had said it, I was thinking of giving him another chance. We had been talking for a year after the break up and he repeatedly suggested getting intimate. I didn’t want to. Something kept me back, probably someone-God- because the last time he had asked to get together, was a month before he started his new relationship…. I felt that I was being punished and that I was not worthy to find happiness.

When he told me he had just started a relationship, I was jealous. But not the “I- want- to set- things -on-fire” type of jealousy. My heart broke…I knew that I had solid reasons for leaving since I was not treated the way I deserved. I had made terrible mistakes myself and I often hurt his feelings but I did deserve my share to happiness.

Now I am worried that every time that I go out, I might run into them and that she might be prettier than me, younger than me, and with nicer hair. You see, I have developed a hair color allergy and I can’t color my hair that is turning grey.

I have been going to church more often lately and I always light a candle for him, so that he is happy. I also light a candle for me begging God to send me my one true love or show me the way how to find it and lastly, I light candle for him and me, to get back together soon If we are each other’s true love.

What is the definition of true love? Loving someone else more than yourself?

Being selfless to the point of never getting what you want?

Putting someone else’s needs above yours?

Praying for someone you are no longer with?

What is true love? And will I ever find a man who will truly love me?

Broken Pieces — Katherine Appello – Inspiration and Wellness

For the longest time I had been starting my day with unforgiveness towards myself for errors in judgement and allowing fear and childhood baggage having kept me from pursing my true path as an arts minister.  I didn’t really see each day as a new day to start my life, to get on the right […]

Broken Pieces — Katherine Appello – Inspiration and Wellness

In the surname of love

I have always searched for my one true love, without actually searching. If I randomly met someone through mutual friends, fine. If not, I just hoped that the perfect someone would land on my doorstep. Crazy, right?

I grew up being surrounded by people who had average relationships and marriages but I dreamt that I would be swept off my feet by Mr Right and that we would have the greatest romance ever.

I was in a relationship for five years. I never thought he was THE ONE. I was convinced that I was asking for too much and that It was my fault I could not see him as the one.  We loved each other a lot but we could not make it last because we argued a lot.

I can’t help but wonder…Is it all my fault that it didn’t work ? Am I asking for too much? Am I not worthy to find true love? Does the universe punish me because I am the type of woman who would never get her husband’s last name?

Can you truly love someone without being in love first? Was that the cause of all problems in my relationship? And how will I know for sure? I will never get answers to my questions and that is killing me.

Is finding true love overrated? And most importantly, does true love even exist? Is there a soulmate for everyone? And if yes, where is mine?

Respect yourself

Since I was I young child I remember being stressed on a daily basis. I used to get upset very easily and I also cry a lot. I was an only child for the first five years of my life and I had all of the attention of my parents. They were very protective and caring. However, every time I was emotional, my parents would not approve of it. They thought I was overreacting and that I was embarrassing them.

Even now my parents expect me to behave in a certain way. They are judgemental when I express my feelings. My ex-partner felt the same. So, now that I am approaching forty, I try to hide my feelings and control my reactions. The reason why I do this is that the people around me are not understanding and they make me feel bad about my emotions. They call me weak and believe I pretend to be emotional because I need attention. However, what my mouth doesn’t say, my face does. It is obvious that there is something wrong with me and they are still mad at me because I cannot control my emotions.

“What is wrong with you? Stop having that long face”!

Over the years I have been diagnosed with the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acidic reflux and herniated spine and neck discs. My doctors suggested that my stomach/bowel issue might be stress induced.

“Try to relax “they said.

How can I relax when I know how the people around me will react? They will blame me for not controlling my feelings.

“Your stress is to be blamed for everything! You are making yourself sick because you are thinking about being sick!”

Luckily my problems have been under control for quite some time now.

In the past few months, I have been trying to change my lifestyle and my way of thinking. I pray more, I exercise a bit and I try to be less materialistic. (I do try but those online mid-season sales on clothes are hard to resist ). I have even taken up gardening. I started planting succulents because they are easy to grow. It is going quite well and I am proud of myself.  Now that I look back, I realize that I should have taken it easy years ago. The fact that I used to work too hard and worry too much about what others thought of me caused me various problems that I still haven’t been able to overcome completely.

I also listen to relaxing music and I find time between jobs to watch some TV even if I am not always satisfied with what I am watching. I just spend half an hour watching something silly in order to clear my head.

I don’t know if I will ever be able to completely remove stress from my life or even reduce it significantly but I am actually trying and that makes me feel well.

There are always ups and downs but I try not to lose my focus or my faith. I admit that sometimes I still get affected by the way people treat me. Most of the times though, I no longer take it personally. I remind myself that life is short and that it is the small everyday things that make us happy.

What Now? — Katherine Appello – Inspiration and Wellness

I was diagnosed with stress related ulcers and there are several things that have contributed to the fibromyalgia and now this.  I will seek all the medical care necessary, but it has to go deeper, a lot deeper.   331 more words

What Now? — Katherine Appello – Inspiration and Wellness
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